Thursday, September 17, 2009

Here's the Story, of an Idiot from Texas

This post involves, but is not about the so-called Tea Party protests this past weekend in Washington, D.C. The aim of this forum is not to comment on politics, but general idiocracy. So, while there might be much to say about these events, we will instead focus on the reaction of one individual who demonstrates hypocrisy at best and sheer stupidity at worst. Onto this stage walks Texas Congressman Kevin Brady.

You see, Representative Brady was involved in the protests. Fine. No gripes there. But during his participation, he hears complaints from many of the massive throng of teabaggers that the Washington Metropolitan Area Transportation Authority's Metrorail system was not completely sufficient for their needs. Now, as a frequent rider of the system and also a particularly interested observer of passenger rail, I can sympathize with that sentiment, especially on weekends.

However, these particular protests were intended to criticize government spending. Apparently, Mr. Brady and his bunch have no problem utilizing a massive government-provided service to get them to their gathering rather inexpensively. Moreover, while the good Congressman had the mental capacity to criticize Metro for providing less-than-stellar service, he apparently forgot his vote against funding to support the very system he identified as lacking in resources. This whole scenario is analyzed quite succinctly here.

So, we say to the people of Texas' Montgomery, Walker, Polk, San Jacinto, Tyler, Jasper, Newton, Hardin, and Orange counties as well as portions of Trinity and Liberty counties, you have elected yourself a Goddamn Idiot.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

He sounds like a man who would complain about air pollution while crushing out his cigarette butt on the floor; or drive a huge personal vehicle while deriding the national trade deficit; or tell the gummint to keep their hands off his Medicare.